New Moon in Aquarius - Strange Times
Greetings! Here is your Moon Message audio for the New Moon in Aquarius.
Scroll down for a text transcript.
This Moon Message includes:
Info about the new moon energies
Update on my sabbatical and what’s shifting and changing in my life
What we’re moving through with Mercury retrograde in Aquarius
The archetype of Aquarius as the Water Bearer, the calling to awaken self and others
The blessings and challenges of thinking outside the box
The shift from Capricorn to Aquarius energies
Saturn square Uranus and learning to co-exist with long term restrictions and uncertainty
Venus conjunct Jupiter, social distancing, and relationships in pandemic times
A reminder that your soul work is to be yourself
New Moon at 23º Aquarius - February 11, 2021 at 2:06 pm EST:
Moon conjunct Sun at 23º Aquarius
Venus conjunct Jupiter at 12º Aquarius
Mercury Retrograde at 16º Aquarius square Mars at 18º Taurus
Saturn at 6º Aquarius square Uranus at 7º Taurus
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Text Transcript:
Greetings! I'm Stephanie Elizabeth Briggs, the creator of Heart Blossom where I offer soul guidance to a global community of healers, artists and heart centered visionaries.
This is your moon message for the New Moon in Aquarius on February 11, 2021, and that is exact at 2:06pm US Eastern time.
This is my first moon message in a while. I took a mini-sabbatical for most of January and the first half of February. A lot has been going on for me and I'm actually getting ready to move to a new home over the next couple weeks. So a lot is shifting and changing for me.
We are now in Mercury Retrograde season that began on January 30. And mercury will continue retrograde through February 20. So as always, this is a time when you might experience delays or miscommunications or things just not proceeding or moving forward in the way that you normally experience. You may notice a different rhythm to your thought processes or to the way that you move through your time. You may also experience new insights through this shifting of perception.
Now in this case, Mercury is in Aquarius, which is an air sign. So, you have that matching mental focus of this energy in Aquarius, it really is all about thinking outside the box. So this is a time of awakening, of increasing awareness, new awareness, paradigm shifts, looking at things differently.
Interestingly, although Aquarius is an air sign, the zodiac archetype is The Water Bearer. And The Water Bearer serves the community by going out in search of what is needed and bringing it back home to share with the people.
Because this is actually an air element it’s sort of perplexing, which, you know even understanding this archetype requires us to sort of shift the way that we're contemplating it, because it doesn't make logical sense.
So in this sense, the expression is all happening in the realm of ideas. Aquarius represents the realm of new ideas, innovations, expanded consciousness. There's also an association with community and collective consciousness, systems thinking, analysis, activism, science and technology.
We actually have a number of planets and dominant energy right now in Aquarius. So we have the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn.
So this is in some ways a lightening of the mood from the Capricorn influence that we've been under for much of the last year and certainly the last month or so. With the movement from Capricorn to Aquarius, we're moving from sort of tradition into the new age.
In order to gather the water, so to speak, these new insights, and to share the spark of genius, that benefits the many, The Water Bearer of Aquarius must actually be able to step, literally or metaphorically, outside the boundaries of what is known and established.
Right. So like, we're not going to come up with new ideas from within the same box that we've been sorting through for centuries.
Also, the reality is that power structure of the establishment, of institutions, of tradition, ancestors, all of that Capricorn realm, of course, there are gifts in that potentially but we've really lately been experiencing more of the shadow side of that, especially with Pluto transiting Capricorn and the transit of Saturn through with Pluto over the last year has certainly been revelatory.
The reality in moving into Aquarius: Aquarius is the realm of the heretic. People who challenge the status quo with a new vision that is outside of the box and ahead of their time are often branded as radicals, heretics, often are alienated or worse, just experience harm done to them. They only gain acceptance in time and even perhaps after the end of their human lifetime.
So it's just the paradox again, that sometimes our alienation from the mainstream is actually what opens us up to genius insights in the first place.
Imagine an alien traveling to Earth from a distant celestial home, like how much more clearly might they be able to see humans and our systems that we've created then we can see them for ourselves? Because we're in them, because they are us.
So Capricorn is like the powers that be and Aquarius is the radical, the rebel, the next generation. And another way to think of it is Aquarius as the chosen family to the Capricorn ancestors and blood relatives.
With this new moon in particular, we have the sun and the moon at 23 degrees of Aquarius; Mercury, currently retrograde at 16 degrees of Aquarius, and then we have a conjunction between Venus and Jupiter at 12 degrees of Aquarius, and finally Saturn at six degrees.
Saturn remains in a square to Uranus in Taurus. So this is again bringing just more presence to the sense of limitation, of boundaries, of challenges, as well as just the chaos and the the disruption that we're all experiencing systemically as well as the need that we all have to increasingly rely on technology at this time. In this age of social distancing.
And that is very present in this conglomeration in Aquarius here, the shadow side of Aquarius is of course that alienation, that sense of being apart or outside of the group.
With this Venus and Jupiter conjunction—Venus and Jupiter are generally considered more pleasant, positive energies astrologically. But in this case, again, here's another paradox that Venus in Aquarius, there's distance, you know, someone who needs space, because getting close and intimate is quite vulnerable.
And relationships, matters of the heart, cannot be solved or analyzed or worked through using our intellect, they're irrational. And so it's, in a way, with Venus and Aquarius, there's a sense of not quite, knowing how to fully connect with the human level of all the mess, all the feelings, and maintaining a safe distance or perhaps retreating into our minds into our heads.
And with Jupiter here, it's just bringing expansion both to the presentation of this, but also to the scale, just indicating to some degree this is happening globally, not for everyone, but for a large percentage of our global population. We are, again, increasingly interacting in a technology-mediated way, through screens, through devices.
And you know, with all these planets in Aquarius, we have squares to planets in Taurus, including Mars. So those basic animal drives that we have for bodily closeness, with one another, those are blocked right now for many of us. And/or we may also experience closeness as increasingly dangerous in the sense that we are dealing with a contagion. So when we're physically close to other people, we may be running the risk of the COVID-19 virus.
So all of our relationships, all of our interactions in the flesh, come with them this sense of potentially heightened danger, and just risk and responsibility that we have to engage with, like throughout the course of our day.
And so, if you're dealing with decision fatigue at this time, I just want to normalize that that's a real phenomenon. And that's perhaps another manifestation of this Mercury Retrograde time.
So there are limitations, there are challenges there, most likely frustrations. And there's also some opening happening here. There's opening to new possibilities. To where are we going to renovate things, our ways of thinking.
I know for me, this Mercury Retrograde is happening in my sixth house, which has to do with our daily routines, our work, the ways that we serve. And so much of that is changing, I have new work coming in, I'm really getting a chance to reflect on some different projects that I've launched over the last few months, and then also undergoing in progress of changing my home which will largely impact my day to day life.
So it's definitely a time of reorienting to ourselves and to how we exist individually within the larger context of relationships or community on any level, whether that's our family community, our friends, our workplace, our nation, our planet, our solar system… you can really scale up or down with this.
And that's one of the gifts of Aquarius is to really examine the whole, the systemic view, and also realize that that is always interconnected with and not separate from the individual experience. So although in some ways we may experience the individual and the collective as being at odds with one another, or as being opposite polarities—we can see this astrologically, with Aquarius being the collective archetype and Leo being more of that individual. But truly, as I've said many times, the Leo individual with their shining star, their single candle, their beacon, their spark of divinity—when we all come together in the collective, we have a whole crowd of people with these glowing lights. And now we have a whole solar system of soul stars shining together.
If you're hearing this, I know that you have gifts, you have magic to share. I know that you're someone who cares about what's happening here on planet Earth, with your fellow humans and with all the beings of Earth. I know you are here to show up and share who you are for the good of all.
And I just want to remind you that you are here to be yourself. That is in many ways, our only role in our human lifetimes is to be who we are. You're not here to be somebody other than who you are. You're not here to be somebody else.
So many of the things that we think we should be or do are coming from that box, from outdated paradigms, from conditioning that was enacted on us to serve an agenda. We don't have to continue perpetuating that. We get the choice of what we are going to express and anchor and live into being here.
I want to thank you for listening and sharing this time with me. It means a lot to me. You're the reason I'm creating this!
Until next time, wishing you all the best on your journey. Take care.
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