Full Moon in Virgo - Mundane Magic
Greetings! Here is your Moon Message audio for the Full Moon in Virgo.
Scroll down for a text transcript.
This Moon Message includes:
Info about the full moon energies
Understanding the Pisces-Virgo axis of mutable water and earth energies
Dissolution and reforming, and bringing vision into manifestation as mission
Tending to the mundane and daily rituals of our lives
Venus in Pisces, life as art, and what I learned about channeling sound through the waters
Prioritizing beauty, and the intersections of reality and fantasy
An update on my personal transitions at the moment
Mercury and Jupiter square the nodes, inviting us to share our message and truth more widely
Opening our arms to welcome in all the parts of our journeys
The energetic shift from Aquarius into Pisces season
Mercury direct and the end of retrograde season (for now)
The truth about Pisces feels and a reminder for empaths and highly sensitive folks
An invitation to check out my latest interview in the Nurturing the New Paradigm series
Full Moon at 8º Virgo - February 27, 2021 at 3:18 am EST:
Moon in Virgo opposite Sun in Pisces
Mercury conjunct Jupiter at 13-16º Aquarius, square lunar nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius
Pluto at 25º Capricorn trine Mars at 27º Taurus
Saturn at 8º Aquarius square Uranus at 7º Taurus
Text Transcript:
Greetings! I'm Stephanie Elizabeth Briggs, the creator of Heart Blossom where I offer soul guidance to a global community of healers, artists and heart centered visionaries.
This is your moon message for the Full Moon in Aquarius on February 27, 2021, and that is exact at 3:18 am US Eastern time.
We have the moon at eight degrees of Virgo an earth sign opposite the sun at eight degrees of Pisces a water sign.
So with the Pisces and Virgo axis, I always think of Pisces as the realm of the sublime. Or you could even say the insane. It's rather ungrounded and opposite that we have Virgo the realm of the mundane of the earthly, of that which is very much grounded, and of our normal waking consciousness, as we tend to think of it.
Pisces is the realm of the vision, of eternal truth, oneness of all that is. Virgo is where that vision comes into form, in the form of a mission, of tending to something, to our earthly manifestation of our vision, tending to the details, to the individual categories and parts and components of that larger vision.
Right now with the sun in Pisces, we're going through a process of melting, of dissolving, of unforming, of releasing.
I’m watching this happen outside my window with the snow that is melting into puddles. In the Northern Hemisphere, we're still in winter, but we are very much moving towards spring.
So with Pisces and Virgo these are both in the mode of mutable energy, which means that is their movement. They have quite a bit of movement, though it's happening in different realms. It's that process of transition, of something ending, something flowing away and something flowing in, or perhaps we are flowing towards something new.
As we move through that dissolving, dissolution process, we then have the opportunity to re-form, to bring that energy back into shape in a different way. And certainly with this full moon in Virgo. It's a great invitation to tend to those mundane details and processes and aspects of our lives, what we do on the daily, those daily rituals.
There is of course so much magic happening at all times. And right now we have an especially beautiful magical influence with Venus also in Pisces now, just six degrees earlier in Pisces from the sun. And Venus is exalted in Pisces here.
It makes me think of the image that was made famous by the painter Sandro Botticelli of Venus on the clamshell. Venus in classical European mythology rose from the waters, waters being that realm of eternity, of spirit, of that which is beyond form. You can think of it as the otherworld, the imaginal realms.
I know for me, that water also very much has a connection with my starseed lineage and where I channel from, with help from my Pleiadian guides. And I've actually had visions and journeys with Spirit where they showed me how I channel sound and music through the waters of Earth. I can't explain it to you in a rational, intellectually sound manner, much like my Virgo Ascendant would like, but part of me knows that the real and the fantastic are merely two dimensions of experience. They're not actually as separate and distinct as we might think that they are, and in fact they are intersecting and interwoven in every moment.
Life is art. Art is life. Co-creating is divine.
I've been thinking about this personally as I have been in my own transition. As I mentioned in the last message, I have moved into a new home, a new-to-me space. And it's been really wonderful process, not without stress, but everything went quite smoothly in fact, and especially given that this is all taking place in the pandemic.
And now I get to enjoy and experience a bit of a fresh start here. It's been an amazing opportunity to re-organize and establish updated routines.
One thing, as I'm setting up my new home, that I decided to intentionally prioritize is beauty. I hold beauty as a requirement for my life. Beauty is nourishing to my soul. And through this nourishment, it also supports my resilience, in challenging moments of my personal healing journey, my journey with my work and in my relationships and with the larger social issues and processes that are taking place. So beauty is a balm to my soul.
I've also been just enjoying- at my desk, I have a real potted plant here. And right next to it is some faux magnolia flowers. Both of these items add delight to my space, although one is considered to be alive and the other’s not, they both have an energy and an impact on me.
At this full moon, we have Mercury and Jupiter in a wide conjunction in Aquarius, and those are in a square to the north and south nodes of the moon. And those have to do with our destiny, of the patterns and the conditioning and the ways of being that we have typically used as our default and we're moving toward a new way toward integrating a different way of being human.
And with this square, it's really an invitation and perhaps a bit of a push, or just a supportive energy to take some steps forward toward our destinies. And specifically, anything that has to do with sharing or broadcasting your voice, your message, your work, your perspective, your story, any kind of exchange where we can have dialogue would all be really well supported and will move us toward where we are evolving next.
And it also speaks to the expansiveness of Jupiter, and Spirit reminded me that we are invited to embrace the whole journey that we are on here as humans, not just the parts, where we have success or where we do something new, with the parts that we feel good about, all those parts that perhaps are more associated with our north node of moving toward our destiny.
But our calling is also to accept and to love ourselves through the parts that are perhaps less pleasant, less appealing t- hose moments on our journey when we may have shame about what our choices were or the way that we went about our lives.
And spirit is just reminding me that all of it is ultimately holy. It's all part of our learning if we choose to open to that learning and integration process, and there's no need to hold shame or self-judgment.
Of course we are just generally in an energetic shift right now. There are still a number of planets in Aquarius, the air sign, but we're feeling the shift very much into Pisces.
Pisces, to me as always, in addition to being the the otherworld, the realm of spirit, also has to do with just being tapped into sort of the collective emotional body.
And people who have planets in Pisces, especially Sun in Pisces, are often depicted as being grief stricken or crying or just like unable to function in the world, because of how much they're feeling. And I'm not saying that Pisces doesn't feel a lot, but it actually takes a lot of strength to feel. It takes courage to feel, especially for most of us, we have been taught and expected to control and suppress our emotional expression, especially for emotions that are considered unpleasant, you know, certainly our grief, or disappointment.
I just want to remind you the courage that actually takes to feel. And so if you're allowing yourself to feel even just for a moment or two, that's something to really celebrate, and continue to practice.
And I'm practicing this as well, it is not easy. I have those same tendencies to go up into my head or to focus on tangible things, focus on my chores, or my work or other distractions. And that's okay too. But I try to practice letting the feelings and the energy flow whenever I'm feeling resourced to do so.
I also just want to mention, of course, that mercury has gone direct. In case you didn't know it did go direct on February 20. And we actually have no planets that are retrograde right now through the end of April.
And so this is one of those somewhat rare windows of the year when really it's kind of go time. You know, there's space for the wheels to begin turning and for progress to happen, for movement to happen, for outward action. The way is clear, the space is clear.
We have also Pluto in a trine to Mars, although this is separating, bringing an energy for transformation.
To all the empaths out there, highly sensitive people feeling it all, make sure that you have space to feel yourself too, not just feeling everything, all the pain and suffering in the world.
Remember that you are also here in the world. Although you are not of the world, necessarily, you are here in the world, and you are a divine human. And you can practice a grounded spirituality of anchoring the light, bringing the Pisces vision into form.
All the medicine of Virgo happens on the daily and we get the opportunity to co-create this life and life-affirming culture and way of being on Earth of welcoming our humanity and honoring our divinity.
This is something I'm super interested in and I got the chance to dig into this recently in my conversation with Adrienne Ero-Phillips in her Nurturing the New Paradigm series. And my talk is called We Rise by Rooting and I'm super excited to share that with you. If you want to check it out you can get free access by signing up at the link in the email or post below. [sign up here]
And I want to wish you all the best on your journey. Until next time, take care
Transcribed by Otter.ai [affiliate link]