NEW MOON IN SAGITTARIUS ~ Inner Cosmos Guided Journey
Greetings! This is a special Moon Message featuring a new guided meditation journey channeled with help from my Akashic and Pleiadian guides.
After a brief Moon Message for the New Moon in Sagittarius, the meditation journey begins at 1:50. You will set a tether to earth and then fly into the cosmos within, where you will expand into your fullest self and then meet a guide who will assist you in opening and activating your channels for wisdom, magic, and inspiration that you are here to share.
I had so much fun making this and hope it brings much magic into your life!
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Greetings! I'm Stephanie Briggs, the creator of Heart Blossom and I want to welcome you today on this New Moon in Sagittarius.
Today I have a special guided journey to share with you that I have channeled with the help of my guides from the Akashic Records and the Pleiades. This is going to be a journey within to travel into your own heart space and beyond into the cosmos that you have access to within you. And this is for the purpose of connecting and expanding and opening your own personal channel to your soul’s wisdom, magic and inspiration so that you can really have access to the clearest and strongest guidance as you finish out 2019 and move on into a whole new decade.
2020 Wow. We have big things coming. No doubt you're already feeling the massive shifts that are taking place with Saturn and Pluto in a conjunction. That will be strengthening into the new year and this is creating long lasting transformation for all of us individually and collectively.
And I'm sure that you are feeling that and grappling with it and being amazed and overwhelmed and all the things! I know that I am… so yeah, without further ado, I just want to invite you to really take some time to get quiet to relax and get some water and whenever you are ready, it is time to take an amazing journey within!
Let us begin the journey by connecting with the breath
I invite to take two or three nice slow, deep belly breaths, breathing as deeply as is comfortable and relaxing for you.
Feeling yourself settling in, feeling calm and present and turning your attention to the ground as it is supporting your body and taking a moment to breathe into that connection between your body and Earth.
Energize that connection and begin to imagine roots growing down out of the bottoms of your feet into the rich earth, tethering you to the ground, sending your roots down, down, down, a strong foundation to hold you.
And drawing up again, taking in the nourishment of Earth, recycling your energy.
And then out of these roots drawing up into your heart space and placing a hand on your heart to bring you into full presence here, taking another couple of breaths, becoming ever calmer and tapping into a feeling of safety and support.
As we prepare to journey into your inner cosmos I invite you to envision a circle of white light that is surrounding you, holding you in protection, supporting you in remaining centered and tethered throughout this journey.
And now imagine that you find yourself in a grove of pine trees on a beautiful evening with a comfortable temperature and a clear sky with stars above you.
Take a moment to greet these trees. They are here to guide and protect you during your journey. Take a moment to connect with them and thank them for their service.
And when you are anchored into this safety you are now free to set aside your intellect for the duration of this journey, setting aside all of your ideas and all the ways that your mind tries to make sense of what is happening and simply open to a place of wonder and curiosity and exploratory perception.
As you do this, feel your third eye begin to open and activate, feeling the sensations in your forehead and also feeling your crown on the top of your head begin to open. You may feel a tingling, you may feel a sensation, or you may see this in your mind's eye.
And whatever way that you know your crown is open and preparing to connect you into other realms.
At this time I invite my guides from the akashic records and my guides from the Pleiades to be with us in support of this journey.
And with gratitude for their support and guidance, it is now time to take off!
So as you are ready, you can leap or rise up, whatever way you prefer to move.
You can enter into the sky above, feel yourself getting lighter and lighter and feel yourself flying.
As you fly higher and higher, you are leaving Earth's atmosphere and entering into the cosmos into this vast expansiveness and let yourself really enjoy the experience. You can fly around you can circle around the Earth, you can take a tour of this area.
Truly you can go wherever you would like.
What do you see and feel?
How does it feel to be this free to soar through space?
Take space to really take in this feeling and all the wondrous things that you're experiencing in this place.
And as you are ready, come to rest and begin to just hover in place, and notice how effortless it is to do that here.
Begin to envision your body, your light body which you are now occupying. Envision this light body expanding in every direction all around you becoming larger and larger, growing into your full size, which you are free to be here, outside the confines of your human body.
Feel your strength and feel how you are made of stardust, how you are so much more than the small self that you have known on Earth.
Really let yourself feel that how big you are, how ancient.
When you are ready, when you are fully in connection with your expansiveness, ask for a guide to join you for the purpose of opening, activating and expanding your channel to your magic, your wisdom and inspiration
And meet your guide when they arrive, and you will perceive them in whatever way you can. and don't worry if it's different than you expect. You may see them you may feel them, you may hear them. However, you perceive is just fine and how you are meant to perceive and know.
When your guide has arrived, you can greet them and ask them what they would like you to know on this matter of opening to your wisdom, opening to your divinity.
Ask them to show you about your own magic.
Ask them, what is it that I'm being called to activate now?
What wisdom and inspiration is wanting to come through my channel?
How can I best listen and tune in to all that is here for me?
Take all the time that you need to receive this guidance and everything that your guide has to share with you. [If you need to pause this recording please do so.]
And when you sense that you have received all the message that was meant for you at this time, please thank your guide for that assistance and wave goodbye as they head on their way
Turning again within, begin to pull your light back inward. All this big energy of yours, just pull that back in. You are not hiding it, you are not constricting it, you're simply collapsing it into yourself for ease of transportation so that you can travel lightly as you return to the denser dimension of earth with this new awareness and activation that you have received
When you are ready, feel yourself begin to gently float back down to the earth, so gently as if you're carried on a parachute. And eventually feel yourself land back where you started at the Pine Grove.
See the trees who have been watching over you and thank them for keeping this watch thank them for holding space while you journeyed.
And feel your roots again, that have been anchoring you to Earth's body. Once again, cycling your energy, sending your energy down into earth with every out breath and breathing in earth energy with your in breath, and resting here as long as you need in order to settle and ground your energy fully.
You have truly taken a journey now into other dimensions and your body will need some time to recalibrate here as you continue to grow.
It would be helpful to drink some water, perhaps have a snack and take some time to journal, maybe even to draw whatever would help you to fully capture this experience and all that you've learned and understood.
So that you can make the most of this journey it is recommended that you continue to devote regular time to connecting with Spirit. When you create space, it is much easier to hear this wise voice within. If you are constantly taking in information through your five senses, thinking about things, worrying, even listening to music--if you're constantly taking input there's not going to be space to hear inner messages. So really honor your journey by setting aside that space for your own expansion.
I want to thank you for going on this journey with me today. I want to wish you all the best, and never forget that you are divine and you are magic!
This video includes original songs: “Lake of Avalon” ©Lobo Loco, and “Illumination,” “Laburnum,” and “Cobweb Morning” ©Kai Engel.
Thank you to the following photographers whose images I used (find them on Unsplash): Federico Beccari, Taylor Leopold, Valeriy Andrushko, Aperture Vintage, Luca Baggio, Jeremy Thomas, Casey Horner, Andy Holmes, and NASA.
If you’d like personal guidance and support to navigate and integrate these energies, I’d love to meet with you for an Akashic Guidance session to access your soul’s own clarity, wisdom, and healing.