Stephanie Elizabeth Intuitive Coaching & Guidance

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Greetings! Here is your Moon Message for the Full Moon in Taurus.

This Moon Message includes:

  • info about the full moon energies

  • tune in to your heart’s deepest “secret” desires,

  • why we often keep our desires under wraps

  • the simplest way to get what you want, and

  • a full moon ritual you can do to call in your heart’s desire

Key transits:

  • November 11, 2019 at 10:21 a.m. EDT - Mercury Rx conjunct Sun at 18º Scorpio

  • November 12, 2019 at 8:35 a.m. EDT - Full Moon at 19º Taurus

Click here for the audio version of this message.



I don't know about you, but I am loving this full moon energy. Taurus is all about living that good life, really enjoying all the pleasures and everything to do with our physical experience here in human bodies. 

Now, if you are receiving this message today, most likely you're someone who is intuitive, empathic, creative, someone who we could say is in connection with the world beyond the 3D, beyond the physical five senses. You're in connection with a sixth sense of some kind, that would be the realm of Scorpio.

At the full moon, we have the sun and the moon opposite, so they are facing off as polarities. And it's actually opportunity for balance and integration between these two ends of a spectrum, when in fact, they're really all the same thing.

They're just different extremes, different expressions of this energy.

With Taurus and Scorpio, we're dealing with the life and death cycle. Death of course, being a necessary part of life. And so this is really an opportunity to let go of anything that is standing in the way of our aliveness and of the life that we are here to live and, yes, ENJOY. 

Now there are a lot of hard things going on here on planet Earth.  There have been for a while, it's not actually anything new, although it is quite intense at the moment and with our constant connectedness that we have through technology now, there's so much more in our awareness about what's happening. And it can definitely be a lot to be with. 

However, actually, part of our mission while we're here, regardless of what we do specifically in our lives, is to be here in these human bodies and to be as present as possible to this experience and to all the range of the experience—the parts that we like, the parts that feel good, and also the parts that maybe we don't like, that don't necessarily feel that good. They're actually all part of the human experience. 

Today we do have an opportunity for dreaming big. So…I pulled a few cards today to just help with this message. And first here we have the Princess of Pentacles. (This is from the Cosmic Tarot deck, and in this deck the princess is similar to the page.) This is that fresh start of abundance. It's like the new life of spring and perhaps you can see that on her headband it actually has the Taurus symbol. That Taurus energy here in the Northern Hemisphere is the height of spring when everything is in full bloom and we're just enjoying all the beauty and the lightness of everything blossoming and green and new and fresh. The fresh possibilities…

We're in Scorpio season right now, which is the opposite polarity when things are dying and falling away. But of course, you can't have fresh leaves on the tree unless the prior season’s leaves have fallen.

Now, the other card that I pulled here is from the Sacred Rebels deck, which this is an amazing deck. (I just want to show you the Sacred Rebels Oracle. I use these with all of my Akashic Guidance sessions because they're really amazing cards.)

Today we have the sacred fool. Now, this card is a little bit provocative. You can see this person appears to be a woman and is naked and is playing with this marionette puppet and wearing a jester hat and wearing some kind of fishnet tights. And she doesn't really look too bothered. She looks like she just kind of doing what she wants. She's all by herself and she's just playing and she's just enjoying being in her body 

At this time it's an opportunity to get in touch with some secret desires, some desires that we have perhaps kept under wraps. This theme was coming through earlier today when I was watching the show Charmed with my friend, and they were talking about the secret desires of some of the characters. These secret desires were actually the key to solving a mystery that was going on. And in order to solve this mystery, one of these characters had to actually investigate and then admit to his secret desire that he was hiding.  

It got me thinking, what do you desire that you haven't been claiming, that you haven't been proclaiming?

 In addition to the full moon today (or whenever you're receiving this, I'm actually recording this on November 11) we had the sun in Scorpio in a conjunction with Mercury which is currently retrograde in Scorpio. So the Sun and Mercury fused in this powerful moment of illumination of some ideas, some awareness of something that is not actually new, because Mercury is retrograde.  It is moving back over to get a closer look at something, or to go back over something that needs that needs review or needs to be revisited. And with the Sun though, we're bringing illumination.

What happens if you shine a light into a shadowy corner? Well, that shadow transforms, right? The shadow cannot exist where there is light shining on it.

So what is hiding in the shadowy corners of your heart? If you were to take a moment just now to just pause and get quiet—close your eyes even if that would feel good to you. Just take a moment to tune into your heart. Say hello. And offer this question to your heart: What is it that you most deeply desire at this time? What does your heart have to say?

Now, you may think in your mind, geez, I don't know. But I bet there was something that you did know in that very first moment after you asked. Now, why is it that you question your desire? Are you trying to figure out how you're going to get the thing that you desire? You have judgments about what kind of person would want this? If I get this, then that's going to happen. I don't want that to happen. What will people think of me? What if I'm bad for wanting that? What if I'm selfish? What if I'm going to sabotage it? All the what ifs, all the questions and concerns that we have that get in the way of us even letting ourselves know what it is that we want, what we want to do in our work, who we want to have in our lives, what kind of relationships we want to have, where we want to go, how we want to feel, whatever it may be that your heart desires.

What is it that especially is happening in your mind, that has become a barrier to you receiving what you most desire?

Of course, I believe in miracles and Spirit often sends me songs. Music is very important to me. And it's one way that that my guides will communicate with me, and my heart will communicate with me. And as I was meditating on the energy today, I got that song from Disney’s Cinderella. A dream is a wish your heart makes when you’re fast asleep. And it's all about believing in your dreams, that no one can take your dreams away from you, even if things seem really bleak. Even if you're like Cinderella, you're a princess who is stuck scrubbing floors with mean stepsisters and step mother. Hmm. But when the prince is searching for the owner of the slipper she tries it on and then it turns out that this is her glass slipper. Because she is of course the princess even though no one saw her as the princess.

So, who are you, really? Who is it that you have been hiding in your heart? What part of you is ready to come out and play, is ready to come out and dance, and sing, and speak and share what you know, share what you have to offer, what you've created?

One reason that in particular that we don't share what we see, what we know is again, all these fears, all these ideas of what people will think. And we've had a lot of conditioning about how we're supposed to be, what we're supposed to want. And if growing up, we were in a family where our desires were shamed, even sometimes our physical needs were shamed or were seen as a problem,(Taurus has to do with the five senses, including the body) If I'm going to enjoy all the sensory pleasures of eating and dancing, being intimate with other humans, swimming. Just being out in nature, like anything that you do in your body. If I have shame around that, I'm not going to be able to connect with the full sensation of that experience.

A lot of times when we have trauma, it leads us to kind of disconnect from the physical sensations and kind of live up in our heads. You know, that's something that I struggle with and I'm still on a healing journey with but it's really powerful to go after what you want, even if you have shame, even if you have self-judgment, even if you have fear.  

What's one thing that you can claim as your desire?

I would love to invite you to harness the full moon energies with a brief ritual. You can do this in whatever way works for you. However you feel called to do this, there's no right or wrong way to do a ritual, it's really personal. My recommendations would be to just ground into your body, grounding to Earth energies. You can call in guides, or guardians that you have relationships with, you can simply speak to the four directions. You can say hello to the tree outside your window, to the fairies, whoever it is in the non-human world that you connect with, that feels safe and supportive to you, you can call on them to help you hold this energetic space. 

And then simply speak your desires from the heart. Say, I really want this. And I'm claiming I'm owning that this is what I want. And I'm welcoming this into my life and also, I am committed to letting go of whatever is in the way, whatever barriers are within me to receiving the thing that I want, going after this thing that I want.

Of course, sometimes we do have to take action to achieve our desires. But you would be surprised when you take a little action how life comes to meet you.

One story I would share about this, and particularly about naming desires, is I'm in this wonderful partnership now with an a really amazing man.  I have loved this man for several years; we've been really good friends. And I always wanted to date him, and I wanted to experience more closeness with him. And eventually, I did just ask for what I wanted. I said, Well, I want this and this and I'm wondering what you think? And he said, Sure. And then I got exactly what I wanted.

Now, there's a lot of other work and experiences that went into that situation to get to that point. However, the key to actually stepping into receiving the thing I desired was literally saying out loud, I want this.

 You'd be really surprised if you just ask, a lot of times you'll get what you ask for.

So once again, I want to encourage you to speak your desires, whether that is to just to yourself, to your heart, to your guides, to one person you trust, to your journal…you can speak, you can write, it doesn't really matter the form. The important thing is for you to really feel that desire, and to channel it into some form, to externalize that, to express your energy and see what happens.

Now, one final thing for today, just calling back on this Sacred Fool. The message for this card has to do with trusting your process of life: 

“Regardless of what anyone thinks, the fool is a great rebel, able to thwart convention and tell the truth without restraint. Your Heart is a wonderful, powerful, sacred fool. It cares not for the right way to do things. It lives according to an inner wisdom that cannot be dictated to or controlled by anything. It loves, it lives and it is what it is.”

Life is. So, at this full moon I just wish you all the dreams and the wishes that your heart holds. And please do not be afraid to let yourself want what you want and to open to more lightness in your body and connection to life.  Again that is why we are here on Earth, this beautiful planet.

You're here to live. I know that is the deepest desire of my heart, and it's why I do what I do every day.

Sending you lots of love for this full moon.


If you’d like personal guidance and support to navigate and integrate these energies, I’d love to meet with you for an Akashic Guidance session to access your soul’s own clarity, wisdom, and healing.