Stephanie Elizabeth Intuitive Coaching & Guidance

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S2 E2 New Moon in Leo message

Welcome to Season 2, Episode 2 of Soul to Life!

This channeled message just came in hot for the New Moon in Leo!

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Hey friends, this is a quick channeled message that just came through for today's new moon in leo. I hope this offers you whatever you need today.

I want to challenge the stereotypical idea that Leo is self centered, egotistical, an attention whore. To me, the archetype of Leo is all about that childlike wonder and the joy, of play and creation, and it's rooted in that normal human need and desire to be seen, and celebrated for who we are.

If you imagine a child who's just drawn something, and they're so excited to share it with you, to show you, or to show you the dance they made up, or the song they wrote, because they think it's awesome, and they want you to enjoy it as well.

Of course, this is something that a lot of us don't get in our lives, especially as kids. Not saying that parents are bad people. But parents are human. Parents have probably too much on their plates. Most people do in this society.

But it's a thing that is okay to want. We are social animals as humans. And I want to offer you that your creative drive and desires, your desire to be seen, can be sacred.

  • And so where did you learn that you shouldn't want this or that you shouldn't be seen? Or that you shouldn't be celebrated?

  • Where are you telling yourself a story that you're not creative? That you're not talented? That you don't matter?

  • Who or what is that story protecting? What is hiding behind the shield of your belief that you have nothing to offer?

  • What if you were to tell yourself a different story? What if you were to tell the story of what it's like to be you and your body, your experiences and your identities?

We're all part of this collective being of life, the Earth, part of the Earth's body, and each of us is in our own individual human body, a body within a body. We each have our own perspective, by virtue of being embodied, being incarnated, a combination of the seen and the unseen of matter, and whatever else exists out there.

When each of us comes forward, and shares our light, our gifts, our talents, the things that make us feel most like ourselves…when we share that, we each get to contribute that gift to the larger community of which we're part of.

  • Where have you been supported or inspired or healed by being witness to someone else's authentic sharing of their own light, their own truth, their own joy?

Though, it's really not an either / or question of whether the personal or the collective matters. They both matter. They're both just different dimensions of the whole. And there's probably more dimensions that I don't even know about.

But for now I'm just practicing being led by my joy, my delight, my passion, what makes me feel like I'm most alive. And it's important for me to give myself doses of that all the time, every day, as much as possible. Because that supports me to sustain myself and to sustain what I offer to my community, what I offer to my loved ones, what I offer to all the beings that I'm in relationship with, both seen and unseen.

If you've been caught up in an old story around your creativity or your connection to your soul and to spirit, what you have to offer as an individual, I want to invite you to come to my creative channeling workshop. It's happening Friday, July 29 and you can sign up at my website at heart blossom dot life.

This workshop will guide you through the process of opening up your world of enchantment, your place of connection to spirit and where all the meaningful magic that you hold, you can tap into that.

We’ll do a guided meditation journey and you will connect with your Muse, your creative spirit guides, and receive your own personal message around your creativity, both where you're at right now and what your next step might be to embrace that more fully, to express that more fully, as the divine channel that you are.

You will be using your medium of choice, either automatic writing, with pen and paper or on your device, or expressive art—using a drawing to capture the energetic imprint or the imagery that you're receiving. And either way you will have this creatively channeled item to take with you that you can continue to connect with and draw support and inspiration from in your practice long into the future.

So this event is offered by donation and you can sign up here. I hope to see you there and if you can't make it live, there will be a recording sent out to everybody.

Wishing you all the best the new moon!


Soul to Life is created and produced by Stephanie Elizabeth Briggs. Our theme song is “Pleiades” by Starry Eyes.