Stephanie Elizabeth Intuitive Coaching & Guidance

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LUNAR ECLIPSE IN CANCER ~ Moon Message & Inner Sanctuary Guided Journey

Greetings! This is a special Moon Message featuring a new guided meditation journey channeled with help from my Akashic guides. 

After a Moon Message for the epic Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, the journey begins at 4:20. You will meet a guide and journey together to your spirit home, an inner sanctuary that you can return to any time you’d like to cultivate a feeling of safety within.

Click here for the audio version of this message.

Key transits:

  • January 10, 2020 ~ 2:21 pm EST: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 20º Cancer; Sun at 20º Capricorn conjunct Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto at 20; Jupiter conjunct South Lunar Node at 8º Capricorn

  • January 10, 2020 ~ 8:47 pm EST: Uranus stations direct at 2º Taurus

  • January 12, 2020 ~ Saturn & Pluto conjunction is exact at at 23º Capricorn



Greetings! I'm Stephanie Briggs, the creator of Heart Blossom and this is your Moon Message for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, Friday, January 10 2020.

At this eclipse, we have the Moon in Cancer at 20 degrees. And we also have the North Node at eight degrees of Cancer.

In the opposite sign of Capricorn we have the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto in a conjunction around 20 degrees of Capricorn. And then we also have the South Node and Jupiter in another conjunction at 8 degrees of Capricorn.

Now of course, the South node as well as Pluto both have to do with shadow material, karmic material, basically patterns, behaviors, ways of being and existing in earth space, that are no longer supportive of our evolution.

Now, looking at all the Capricorn realm, the realm of the structures and institutions and containers of our public life and society, at least here in the United States, you could say that it's quite toxic and actually has been way back to the moment that this nation was conceived out of colonial genocide, and stolen land, and a system of slavery. We have these ideas and these values that we proclaim that this is “the land of the free” but in fact, it's never been that.

And so when we regard the oppressive structures of our society, there can be this feeling that there is no safety. There are so many threatening things happening. Australia is on fire, the United States is provoking conflict with Iran. Like, take your pick, there's so many things that are frightening happening in this time of Apocalypse.

This is a lot of powerful systemic energy that is bearing down on this gentle cancer moon. Now personally, I have my moon in cancer and so I'm extra familiar with the sensitivities. And this is the kind of energetic conditions that make me want to run and hide just like a good cancer would.

Because of course, cancer is the realm of the home of mother's arms of that shell that you can crawl into when you need protection. There are what my guides have called pockets of safety that are available. And so part of surviving and thriving in these times is finding those places, those pockets of safety where we can be, whether it's a community of friends who we feel safe with, who we can be real with, or whether it's a therapist or a partner, or a pet, or a favorite tree, or even just imagery that can cultivate that sense of safety within your body.

As a trauma survivor myself, I have relied on different tools to create a sense of safety in my body so that I could do my healing work, because long term trauma can often create hyper vigilance, always scanning your environment for threats, which then makes it really hard to relax. And if you feel under threat, if you don't feel safe, it's very difficult to heal.

So I wanted to offer you a special guided journey to help you access a place of safety within yourself.


Let's get started by getting situated in a comfortable position and beginning to turn your attention to your breath.

And taking three slow deep breaths breathing down into your belly as much as is comfortable for you. Always trust your body

And with every out breath just feeling the air releasing from your lungs nice and slow, even letting out a sigh or a sound if you feel you would like to

and with every breath, dropping deeper into yourself, feeling the support of your body on whatever surface you are being supported by at this moment

And with the next few breaths, turning your attention to your connection with Earth. Feeling that connection where your feet meet the ground, where your body meets the ground, energizing that connection with the next few breaths.

Remembering that you are always tethered to Earth, you are always supported and held and anchored here through the force of gravity and through the love of Earth.

Now with the next few breaths drawing up from Earth up through your center, feeling that grounding earth energy drawing up through your legs, up into your belly, into your solar plexus and coming to rest in your heart space. Expanding here with the next few breaths as you more fully arrive into this sacred space

And at this time we ask spirit, all the allies and guides, to please assist in surrounding us in a circle of white light for protection, healing and strength.

Allow yourself to feel that circle of protection, sinking deeper in, letting go of any tension, any feeling of holding, or any sensations of anxiety, concern, distraction, and just welcoming whatever is here. Whatever sensations are present in your awareness, just for this moment letting them be here without a need to change anything.

And as you sink in and fully arrive into your heart space and expand into the radiant glow of your heart.

You can ask for a guide to join you, who will journey with you to your spirit home, your spirit house, your safe place. However you wish to think about it.

You will know the name that is best for you.

And trust that you will know when your guide has arrived. You may sense them through any of your senses. You may see them, feel them, hear them, or simply know that they are with you.

Take a moment to greet your guide. You can ask them who they are if you don't already know them, and just say thank you to them for joining you today.

And once you have finished greeting your guide you will walk with them. You will see ahead of you a path.

Maybe it is surrounded by field of wildflowers.

Maybe you are walking into the woods.

Maybe you're walking along the ocean on the beach.

Trust that your spirit and your soul and your inner vision will call upon the most supportive imagery for you.

As you walk, feel again the support of earth beneath your feet.

Notice the sights and sounds and smells and sensations of this place. Allow yourself to look around as you walk taking in the sky and the land and the waters that are present

Just feeling the peacefulness of this place

and shortly you will arrive at a clearing. Your guide will let you know when you have arrived at your destination

and take a moment to regard this place yet again. begin to see an enclosure of some kind, knowing when you see this place that is completely safe. This is a place that is entirely untouchable for anything that would want to harm you.

There are no threats that can reach you when you are here.

Just take a moment to look around and explore and experience this place.

Perhaps it is a circle of trees.

Perhaps it's a garden with a wall.

Maybe it is a cottage

or just a thicket of bushes that can protect you.

And you can ask your guide at this time if there's anything that you need to know about fully enjoying this place

as you arrive here and start to attune and align with this inner sanctuary of yours, you may also choose to call in some additional guides to be with you that would help you to feel completely safe and secure in this place.

You can call in a ring of lions or guards with swords or an impenetrable wall

Whatever feels most safe to you, trusting your knowing and trusting that you know what you need to feel safe.

taking some time to just relax here.

If you're in a grassy area or sand or in a bed of flowers, perhaps you're on a mossy surface. Whatever is here, just take a moment to lay down and let your body be fully held here.

Feeling the energy cycling between you and earth with every breath, relaxing a bit more, allowing yourself to be fully held and protected here.

You can stay in this place, resting, relaxing and communing with these gentle energies of safety for as long as you wish

and when you are ready to return to normal earth time and space, before you go there is a gift for you that this place has that would help you to always remember and be able to easily tether in and reconnect here whenever you need.

take a moment to look around and locate this gift--perhaps it's a pebble, perhaps it's a flower or a leaf or something else appears into your awareness with the knowing that this is for you, that this is a gift. and your guide can assist you if needed

receive this gift and draw it into your heart space for safekeeping

with deep gratitude for this gift and for the gift of this place that is here for you at all times.

And when you are ready, knowing you can return whenever you like, join your guide and walk back along the path that you took to get here.

Knowing that you carry this place within you now

With every step feeling more and more solid in yourself and shortly you will reach the place where you began your journey.

And take a moment to thank your guide yet again for accompanying you and thank them for their support, asking if there's any final message that they would like to share with you and bidding them farewell.

Come back fully into your body with the next few breaths.

Just relaxing into awareness of the time and place in which your body is located

bringing your consciousness back into this moment.

And when you are ready opening your eyes

from here, I invite you to just go about your day with gentleness, knowing that you now have this pocket of safety within you that you can access at anytime nearly by connecting with and recalling that gift that this place sent with you.

This is your spirit home. It belongs to you and it is completely entirely safe.

I want to thank you for going on this journey with me today

Thank you for trusting me and allowing me to guide you.

And remember that you are both human and divine.

And you belong here on earth. And you are always supported.

wishing you lots of love and a magical Eclipse Experience

take care and blessed be


This video includes original music from

If you’d like personal guidance and support to navigate and integrate these energies, I’d love to meet with you for an Akashic Guidance session to access your soul’s own clarity, wisdom, and healing.