Full Moon in Cancer - Seek A Soft Place to Land
Greetings! Here is your Moon Message for the Full Moon in Cancer.
This Moon Message includes:
Info about the full moon energies
Defining the Cancer and Capricorn polarities
Experimenting to balance work and home life under COVID capitalism (and why I recorded this message in my closet)
Moon square Chiron, mother wounding and ancestral/ intergenerational trauma
The work of coming home to ourselves and tending to our nervous systems as trauma survivors
The gentle medicine of moon in Cancer
Examining old relationship patterns and paradigms with Venus conjunct the South Node
Regarding the reality that life and healing don’t happen alone
An invitation to receive gentle magic and be in community with kindred spirits in The Starlight Society
Scroll down for a text transcript.
Full Moon at 8º Cancer - December 29, 2020 at 10:29 pm EST:
Moon in Cancer opposite Sun in Capricorn
Moon square Chiron in Aries
Moon sextile Uranus Rx in Taurus
Venus conjunct South Node in Sagittarius
Mars in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn
Mutable Grand Cross with Vesta in Virgo, Neptune in Pisces, North Lunar Node in Gemini and South Lunar Node in Sagittarius
You’re invited to join The Starlight Society for magical humans. Sign up by December 31 for special bonus. Click here to learn more.
Text Transcript:
Greetings. I'm Stephanie Elizabeth Briggs, the creator of Heart Blossom, where I offer soul guidance to a global community of healers, artists and heart centered visionaries. This is your moon message for the full moon in cancer, December 29 2020. And that is exact at 10:29pm. eastern US time.
The moon is at eight degrees of cancer. Cancer is ruled by the moon. So this is the moon at home. It has to do with retreat, with intuition, dreams, mystery. It is both that which comforts us as well as the often uncomfortable, unknown, the void.
We have the sun at eight degrees of Capricorn. Capricorn has been a dominant energy of 2020. That influence is slowly, step by step, waning. But we do have the sun there, standing off with the moon: the balance of home and the outside world, private and public, of work and family, gentleness and flow versus determination. You could say that Capricorn is the assertive energy here. And cancer is the receptive energy.
As in every full moon, the sun and the moon are opposed. And this is a moment of polarity of perhaps intensification. It’s a time when we can observe these polarities within ourselves. As well as practice presence, and acceptance of all that we find.
I am coming to you by audio only. I'm actually recording this in my closet, and just pulled a bunch of clothes out and some soundproofing. And it was a mess. It is a mess right now, everything is piled up on my bed.
It kind of got me thinking about today's moon, and the reason I'm speaking to you from my closet, is that I've been working on my own balance between my private and my public life, my home and work life, which are increasingly indistinct, both as a business owner as well as in these COVID times of working from home. It creates a need to be even more intentional, conscious and honest with myself about my needs and the boundaries of work time versus rest. All things that come up in life under capitalism, where we are taught that our purpose is to work and to produce.
If we are to live sustainably, we need to find balance. That is ours to do. you might not be able to find the perfect balance, but you can keep trying different things out to see what works. So this is me trying something new, as a way to make it more sustainable for me to share information and messages with you.
At today's moon we have Chiron which has just gone direct in the last couple of weeks. Chiron is widely in a square to the moon. So this indicates some, perhaps inner conflict, some inner wounding, around rest, around home, family, mothering.
Of course one dimension of mothering, not the only dimension, but one dimension is a mother as a person who carried us in their womb and thus gave us life here on Earth. We came to life through their body.
This is also connected with the body of Earth, through which we come to life. And which we also are.
So at this moon we may be regarding our sense of being at home in the world, at home in the place where we live, our dwelling, home within ourselves, within our body, within our mind.
For me and for a lot of trauma survivors that I know, my work around this includes a lot of practices and tending to my nervous system. My brain and my entire body has been impacted and in some ways shaped by trauma that happened to me before I even left the womb. And so there are deeper ancestral, intergenerational, cultural, soul wounding that has been passed to me, that my body has marinated in, through my growing up and through the body of my mother who carried me into this world.
The work is to acknowledge, to get curious, and to look to how can we mother ourselves, how can we create pockets of safety, support, places of gentleness.
Cancer, to me is so much about the medicine of gentleness, and this is something that I connect with deeply as someone with my natal moon in cancer.
We can always practice being gentle with ourselves, even under the most trying circumstances, even when we are deep in our shit—the same old patterns, the same old pain, the same old wounds, the struggles—all of it, it's just part of our human journey.
So my invitations to you are to look to where you can cultivate this gentleness for yourself, for your body. How can you move a little more slowly among the creative chaos? How can you somehow rest into the knowing that you are always held, your body is always tethered here on Earth, as long as you are alive in this human lifetime.
At any moment, you can practice by just noticing your feet and how they connect you with the Earth.
At this moon, we have Venus on the South Node at 18 to 19 degrees of Sagittarius. So this indicates that familiar and perhaps outdated relationship dynamics and patterns are coming up for review, for us to become more aware and then decide what to do with that. The awareness is one step. And it's not the only step in the process. If you decide to, you can move from awareness into perhaps creating change.
And we are not here to be in this alone. We are not alone, whether we know it or not. We are here to be alive together. How can we cultivate relationship dynamics that support us in healing and coming home to ourselves?
I strongly believe and know through my personal experiences the power of having nourishing relationships, of having access to community, because we do not heal and grow in isolation. We can also connect with spirit and with the other than human world, that's something I hold central to my practice.
So in this I do want to specifically invite you into one particular opportunity that may support you. Check out The Starlight Society. This is my brand new community for magical humans.
We're coming together in The Starlight Society to be on the journey together, to practice together in sacred space, to open up to more dimensions of support and inspiration and guidance by connecting with the other than human allies that are here for us- our guides, to amplify our magic in community, to build supportive, nurturing, relationships and through those relationships also anchor a life affirming culture. This is what I am passionate about.
And I am so excited for all those who have already joined us and those who are yet to sign up.
So if this is calling to you go to join.thestarlightsociety.com. And i you sign up to join us before the end of 2020, you will also receive a bonus personal reading for your new year. And if you decide to join us as a quarterly member, you will receive an akashic guidance audio reading with me on a question or topic of your choice. This is a great time to tap into some deeper support and guidance as we move into a new year.
Wishing you all the best on your journey. Take care.